Cleaning up and encouraging change for a sustainable future
Never shy to roll up our sleeves for a good cause, our NSW and QLD construction teams hit the streets in full force for Clean Up Australia Day 2019.
Accompanied by Luna, the office dog, our NSW team spent the day getting their hands (and paws) dirty to help keep our country clean. While over in Brisbane our QLD construction team (figuratively) dived into the task of cleaning up the banks of the Brisbane river.
Sporting hi-visibility vests, gloves, and smiles both teams’ efforts sparked many positive conversations with locals and passersby about the importance of reducing waste and helping the environment.
We’ve also raised awareness across our offices nationally with many now moving towards paperless systems and our staff arming themselves with Schiavello reusable mugs.
“Our team takes great joy in participating and leading sustainability initiatives. We strive to not only recycle 90% of our waste from Schiavello construction sites but also reduce consumption. We only have one earth and we need to look after it,” says Schiavello NSW State Director Christopher Schiavello.
He adds; “We look forward to participating in next year’s Clean Up [Australia Day] where we’ll be teaming up with partners and subcontractors for an even greater impact.”
Following a celebratory dinner at a local pizza restaurant, Schiavello QLD State Director Steven Kourevelis congratulated his team for their tremendous effort, urging everyone to recognise the significance of their activity. “[Clean Up Australia Day] is a wonderful initiative recognising and addressing the human impact on our environment.”
“It’s important to remember that the smallest changes to our daily habits can collectively have great benefits to our environment,” he says.