Margaret Graham Green Star Initiatives

schiavello margaret graham green star
green building council australia

Pedal Power the answer to a sustainable worksite

Our SA construction team has introduced key initiatives to create a sustainable construction environment for the Margaret Graham Building Project at the Lot Fourteen ideas neighbourhood on behalf of Renewal SA for the State Government.

Encouraging an alternative mode of transport to and from site, the team has introduced an innovative bike-sharing scheme that will reduce their collective carbon footprint. In addition, the project team was not provided with a car park to promote the use of public transport or cycling.

In 2017 Australia produced 556 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions, 18% of which were contributed directly from transport. This just further stresses the importance of contributing and providing innovative ideas across our everyday operations.

SA Project Manager Benjamin Tonkin

This initiative is one of many being undertaken to help the building achieve a Six Star Green Star Design rating and As-Built certification. The project aims to achieve accreditation in sustainable design by implementing key initiatives to integrate sustainability into every day operations.

The team also aims to exceed the Green Star benchmark for minimisation of waste during construction during the adaptive reuse of the heritage structure. This process will reduce the need for new construction by retaining and restoring existing materials. By adopting this approach, the use of new materials is dramatically reduced, providing significant savings in the project’s embodied energy.

A Renewal SA spokesperson said, “The Margaret Graham Building was the oldest of six heritage-listed buildings at Lot Fourteen and as such, presented additional challenges to meet the requirements to achieve a Six Star Green Star rating.”

“Schiavello Construction is helping to lead a cultural change in the construction industry and at Lot Fourteen, by encouraging the use of more environmentally sustainable modes of transport,” they add.