Docklands Dock-In-Bay

Bene’s range of Docklands Dock-In Bays provide privacy as well as a buffer from visual and audio distractions within an open plan office. The free-standing units create walls of soft architecture without interfering with the building structure.


  • Screened-off private bay for temporary, concentrated work.
  • Available in open bay, single bay, wall bay and twin bay.
  • Single bay: 1204-1500W x 952-1052D x 1410H mm, view all Specifications.
  • Tech-enabled with various cabling and power board options.
  • 10 year warranty.

8-12 weeks

The Open Bay is a semi-private booth with a curved wall that provides privacy to the front and side of the user, with an open back. All models provide electrical support including data, inbuilt lighting and additional accessories such as coat hangers.

Dock In Bay Open Bay

The Single Bay adds further privacy than the Open Bay, with walls that curve almost the entire way around the user, leaving only a small opening at the back. This bay allows for a larger, U-shaped desk.

Dock In Bay

The Wall Bay provides asymmetrical barriers for a single user, with one side of the wall curved around in the same fashion as the Open Bay, while the other side extends out straight, creating a longer visual and acoustic barrier to one side. This also allows for additional accessories, such as a coat hanger, to be installed.

Dock In Bay

The Twin Bay creates a similar level of privacy to the Open bay, however caters for two people. The two users are separated by a wall, which runs down the middle of the double unit with users sitting side by side.

Dock In Bay